Friday, August 20, 2004

It's One Year Since We Got Out Of College ;-)

Hmm... One more year has gone by.
Roller Coaster...yup, it has been indeed.
And here I my cubiclesipping coffee and looking at lush grren fields outside. I've become nostalgic and the events in past year are flashing in front of me.
On 16th Aug. 2003 , I had never thought about Cognizant....or the job even. Things changed...plans changed. The journey called life has been very enriching so far.

Gone are the days When the school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desks and benches.

Gone are the daysWe started calculating first with tables
and thenwith Clarkes tables and advanced to calculators and computers.

Gone are the daysWith so much fun in them, so many friends,
So much experience, all this and more.
Gone are the days
But not the memories, which will beLingering in our hearts for ever and ever and ever !!!

Satisfaction .....Nop. Now I dunno why...or what exactly do I want ? This Satisfaction is what has eluded me. When I look back....I'v come a bit long on a track which ......... doesn't satisfy me completely but holds loads of promises of bright future for me. I've grown up....economically, professionally, emotionally And I'm verry optimistic and thrilled about the journey ahead. I've plans in my mind. But like it happened in the year gone by, I dunno where will I land up finally. The coming year has to be more eventful....Let's keep our fingers crossed !

Monday, August 16, 2004

I Think , Therefore I Am !

In the 17th century, the French philosopher Reni Descartes came up with the explanation for it all: I think, therefore I am. I remember this statement being the source of debates in philosophy classes. It was the existential ‘which came first’ story the chicken or the egg.
Years later, I feel that his statement really is a fill-inthe-blanks statement. ‘I think, therefore I am.’ In other words, ‘I think I am angry, therefore I am angry, I think I am tired, therefore I am tired, I think I am busy, therefore I am busy.’
Let’s go back to Descartes and fill in the blanks. I think I am too busy, therefore I am too busy. So the usual conclusion to this thought is I’m too busy to go into the garden this morning thus I don’t go. [I think I am too busy to go into the garden, therefore I am too busy to go into the garden.
What this does is, for one, tell your subconscious mind to keep looking for that answer, and two, keeps the door open to the answer coming through. If you keep saying I can’t remember, well guess what, your subconscious goes, ‘ok, can’t remember,’ and it goes off to lunch and stops trying to remember. End of story. On the other hand, if you say ‘I am remembering’ it will stay ‘on duty’ until it finds the memory you’re asking for. In the same way if you’re searching for the solutions to a problem, if you say to yourself ‘I don’t know what to do’, I think I am unable to find an answer, therefore I am unable to find an answer - there again you’ve
closed the door to the answer coming through. Saying ‘I am able to find the answer’ opens the gate wide for the answers to come to you. We can replace those dead-end thoughts and statements with some that leave the door open for solutions. ‘I think I am able to discover the answer, therefore I am able to discover the answer, I think I am capable of finding a solution, therefore I am capable of finding a solution.’ Now some of you might be saying this is simplistic. Well, yes it is, and that’s the beauty of it. We humans seem to have a tendency to complicate things, when things really are simple First a thought, then an action. First a belief, then a consequence of that belief. A thought, then a result to that thought (action or inaction).
We have disempowered ourselves by thinking ‘small thoughts’ or dead-end thoughts thoughts fulled by low self-esteem, images of unattainable goals (to be like the ‘slimmer-than-life’ model on TV), and thoughts rampant with self-criticism (or criticism of others). Thoughts that are self-defeating [I think I am a failure, therefore. I think I am not smart enough, therefore I think I am unattractive, therefore I think I can’t do this, therefore...
The belief or thought we have sets the tone for our actions, for the life we create. If there’s one thing that can change our lives, it’s to change the nature of our thoughts, of our beliefs. We are not powerless. We are powerful beyond measure.
It’s up to us to fill in the blanks with the reality we desire, not the one we don’t. We can change our reality. We can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of the people around us and in the world.